Over the years, Amira has run an art consulting firm, a marketing business, and been a podcast host. She has volunteered with a number of Oakland community organizations, and in her “spare” time, she has hosted a monthly multi-racial book club. And taught workshops. And directed art tours. In her fluid, multi-layered life, networking and socializing and down-time and social activism can all happen at the same time.
Time and time again, female-founded businesses outperform male-founded companies, by a whopping 63% in one study. In another, female-led teams produced a 35% greater ROI than comparable teams led by only men. It’s great news, then, that women entrepreneurs are on the rise – in the US there are 114% more than there were 20 years ago.
Amira’s paid labor hours are represented by solid, leather forms. Her unpaid labor hours—many of which have been spent in community activism—take the form of wireframe shapes. Typically, empty spaces in the sculpture would represent hours when the she was not working, but because her paid and unpaid labor overlaps so much, it seems best just to leave it loose.
Amira, 2017, Archival pigment print, Edition of 3, 36 x 24 in
Amira, 2017, Faux leather, wire, thread, silver solder, acrylic, 72 x 180 x 96 in
Amira, 2017, Faux leather, wire, thread, silver solder, acrylic, 72 x 180 x 96 in
Amira, detail